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Engaging with Data Creators and Users to Foster a Culture of Data Sharing and Reuse

Adam Kriesberg
University of Maryland
Adam is a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies, where he studies data curation and digital preservation at the USDA- National Agricultural Library. He received his PhD from the University of Michigan School of Information in 2015; his dissertation explored the public-private partnerships involving state and territorial archives in the United States, and how these relationships affect access to government records and information.

Angela Murillo
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Angela Murillo received her doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – School of Information and Library Science. Her dissertation is titled: “Data Sharing And Data Reuse: An Investigation Of Descriptive Information Facilitators And Inhibitors.” During her doctoral program she was a DigCCurr II Fellow and Project Manager and a Research Associate for the Metadata Research Center. Angela received her MLIS from the University of Iowa – School of Library and Information Science and was a Digital Libraries Research Fellow. Additionally, she has a geoscience degree, with an emphasis geochemistry and paleoclimatology. Her research interests include: scientific data management, data sharing, data reuse, metadata and scientific data cyberinfrastructures.

Patricia Condon
University of New Hampshire
Patricia Condon is the Research Data Services Librarian at the University of New Hampshire. In this role, Patti supports library services that accommodate the growing data management needs of the UNH research community, and collaborates with units across campus to coordinate a campus-wide data services infrastructure. Patti holds a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from Simmons College. Her research and teaching focus on digital stewardship, including research data management and digital preservation. Patti is treasurer-elect for ACRL-NEC, serves on the planning committee for the New England Research Data Management Roundtables, and is a member of the eScience Advisory Board.
Researchers are increasingly attuned to the need to share and reuse data, but often do not know where to start. This webinar brings together three panelists to discuss a range of perspectives around how to think about, plan for, and engage with research data users and contributors, with the intent of fostering a culture of data sharing and data reuse. Read more
Researchers are increasingly attuned to the need to share and reuse data, but often do not know where to start. This webinar brings together three panelists to discuss a range of perspectives around how to think about, plan for, and engage with research data users and contributors, with the intent of fostering a culture of data sharing and data reuse.
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