Member repositories

Your data ecosystem

DataONE unites a network of data repositories operated by research centers, universities, non-profit organizations, citizen science initiatives, government and non-government organizations, and the like. Member institutions share data and infrastructure with DataONE and in return, we facilitate user access to data and interoperability between members.
17.0 M
Dataset views
18.4 M
Datasets in the network
822.2 K
as of
Become a member repository

Amplify the products of your research

Join our network as a member repository and help lead the open data movement! Becoming a member repository is free an open to all types of organizations. Contact us to get started, or learn more.

Reach a wider audience

Leverage our infrastructure

Receive recognition

Maintain high availability

Enhance collaboration

Help shape DataONE's future

Repositories currently in our network

Member institutions include libraries, research centers, scientific consortia, universities, museums, non-profit organizations, citizen science initiatives, corporate divisions, and governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Current member repositories

Replication repositories

Contributing repositories

Upcoming member repositories