Frequently Asked Questions about DataONE Services
Hosted Repository
Why should I consider a Hosted Repository?
A Hosted Repository provides groups with an easy-to-use data and metadata repository, web-based, submission and metadata editing, assignment of a citable DOI in your own DOI prefix, and many other features. You can deposit datasets, documents, software, and other research artifacts, and assign a DOI to each. This is all operated on our network, minimizing the time that you need to spend on maintaining and securing administrative systems, and on maintaining the repository software. You are in full control of the data curation for the data you upload to your repository, and we make sure the service is stable and secure. This service is intended for institutions or projects that want to maintain a long-term repository presence.
What if I don’t want a Hosted Repository, but still want to use DataONE to store my data?
You can deposit data in one of the open DataONE repositories and then you can use the DataONE Plus service to build your own customizable data portal describing your project. DataONE Plus provides a customizable data portal where you control the pages and content via a UI dialog, and can present a custom catalog populated with datasets from any of the member repositories in the DataONE network.
Can we set up a dataset curation/review process for submitted datasets?
Yes. Dataset curation can be as intensive as desired. Some Hosted Repositories have extensive review processes, whereas others allow dataset creators to publish datasets immediately without review. Curation can involve either editing and annotating metadata records via the API, or simply checking for errors. Generally, repositories that have a curation process tend to only allow members of their curation teams to assign DOIs and make datasets public.
Can we limit permissions to specific members and/or groups for certain portals?
Yes, each portal can be configured with customized permissions. This includes control over which users and groups can view the portal, edit its content, and manage its permissions. For more details, visit our Portals Tutorial.
DataONE Plus
Why should I consider DataONE Plus instead of a Hosted Repository?
DataONE Plus service is ideal for shorter-term projects as it minimizes the costs and allows you to have a landing page for your project. Moreover, this system provides a customizable data portal where you control the content and the pages, and can present a custom catalog with content from any of the member repositories in the DataONE network.
How can I make changes to my portal?
If you have controlled permissions to edit the portal, you can do it via our system. For a better tutorial, visit out Portals How-To Page.