Help Shape the Future of DataONE
DataONE Community
The DataONE Community is the worldwide community of researchers, information managers, librarians, data authors, users, and diverse stakeholders that makeup the DataONE partnership communities. The function of the DataONE Community is twofold: First, to represent the needs and interests of these communities in the activities of DataONE. Second, to provide guidance that informs the development and activities of DataONE, facilitating the organization in achieving its vision and mission.
Members of the DataONE Community include representatives of the Member Repositories and all other relevant groups (e.g. research networks, professional societies, libraries, academic institutions, data centers, data repositories, environmental observatory networks, educators, scientists, policy makers, administrators, citizen scientists, international organizations, NGOs, private companies, etc.)
The DataONE Community meets annually to identify the evolving technical challenges and opportunities that can be applied to advance education, research, and policy through the use of DataONE data products, tools, and services.
DataONE Community Board
As DataONE transitions from funded project to sustained program, we have reenvisioned our governance structure to ensure the program more directly integrates the voices of our collaborators, participants and users as part of decision-making for future activities.
We seek to establish a community and stakeholder driven governance model where community input will encompass topics including infrastructure, software, services, collaborative proposals, community development and maintenance and assessment.
The DataONE Governance Model comprises participants across four primary groups: the Management Team, Advisory Board, DataONE Community and the DataONE Community Board. This community nominated Board works to develop and ratify community guidance to the DataONE Management Team with input from the broader DataONE Community. We welcome expressions of interest with respect to serving on the Board.