About DataONE

Enabling new science and knowledge creation through universal access to data about life on earth and the environment that sustains it

DataONE is a community driven program providing access to data across multiple member repositories, supporting enhanced search and discovery of Earth and environmental data. DataONE promotes best practices in data management through responsive educational resources and materials. We envision researchers, educators, and the public using DataONE to better understand and conserve life on earth and the environment that sustains it.

Over a decade of data science and education

New leadership transition

A new management team is formed and administrative oversight of DataONE begins transition to the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at UC Santa Barbara.

Implementation of standardized data usage and citation metrics

DataONE launches metrics visualizations for datasets through the search and discovery platform, https://search.dataone.org. These standardized metrics include live counts of citations, downloads, and views for each dataset in the network.

Continued investment in data level metrics: Make Data Count

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has made a 2-year, $747K award to DataONE, the California Digital Library and DataCite to support collection of usage and citation metrics for data objects, building on pilot work funded by the National Science Foundation.

DataONE welcomes its first South American Member Repository

DataONE welcomes the Program for Research on Biodiversity (PPBio) Western Amazon as its first Member Repository in South America.

DataONE collaborates with NCEAS and NCEI on new award

NSF funds NCEAS to develop and curate Arctic research data within the newly established Arctic Data Center. DataONE and NCEI serves as preservation partners in the cooperative award.

ORCiDs, Metrics and Profile Pages

With integration of ORCiDs, users of DataONE can now access detailed metrics on their uploaded data through our data profiles.

DataONE Search Goes Live

Launch of the new MetaCat search interface for search and discovery of DataONE available through the federated network.

DataONE Welcomes its First Australian Member Repository

DataONE welcomes the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) as the first Member Repository in Australia and the 29th overall to join the federation.

Making Data Count

The California Digital Library, PLOS and DataONE are partnering on project to develop data-level metrics. Funded by an NSF EAGER grant, the project will result in a suite of metrics that track and measure data use.

NSF Funding renewed

Funding from the US National Science Foundation renewed through 2015.

LTER-Europe joins DataONE

LTER-EU joins DataONE as the first European and 20th repository in the network.

Member Repository Dashboard released

DataONE relases a new dashboard exposing real time information on current holdings across the DataONE network of repositories.

TFRI joins DataONE

The Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (TFRI) joins the DataONE network as the first repository in Asia.

Release of DataONE R client

The DataONE R Client, a package for accessing open data in DataONE from within the R environment for statistical computing, is released.

DataONE goes live

DataONE today released technology capable of providing researchers access to globally distributed, networked data from a single point of discovery.

DataONE releases learning modules

DataONE learning modules in support of data management training are made available online for widespread use.

Inaugural DataONE Users Group meeting

DataONE hosts its first Users Group Meeting in Chicago, IL following the International Digital Curation Conference.

DataONE funded as a part of the NSF DataNet program

DataONE, led by PI William Michener, was funded as one of two DataNet projects


Help DataONE provide and maintain a distributed framework and sustainable infrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data.